Case of Lac Maternum- ASD and OCD

A 5-year-old boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) presented for treatment. His OCD manifested in a unique and highly specific way: he would only allow his mother to wear grey or black. If she wore other colors, he would throw severe tantrums.

During the intake, the mother revealed that the child was conceived through artificial insemination. She shared that she and her husband were in an arranged marriage and had struggled to build an intimate connection. This lack of emotional connection and intimacy had caused her significant emotional pain, which felt palpable throughout the case.

Additionally, the child had been breastfed for only a short period before being transitioned to formula.

Analysis and Remedy Selection:
The child’s disconnection from his own body and his obsessive focus on his mother suggested deeper themes of separation and attachment. The mother’s emotional pain and the lack of nurturing intimacy in the family dynamic also seemed to reflect in the child’s behavior.

Based on these observations, I prescribed Lac Maternum 1M, a homeopathic remedy prepared from breast milk. Lac Maternum is often indicated for issues of disconnection, feeling unsafe in the body, and themes of separation and motherly attachment. It is particularly effective in cases involving mother-child dynamics and is a nurturing remedy I frequently use in children with separation anxiety.


  • Initial reaction: The child developed a rash shortly after starting the remedy. In homeopathy, this is viewed as a positive sign, indicating that the body is undergoing deep healing and releasing internal imbalances.

  • Follow-up at 4 weeks: Remarkably, all OCD symptoms had resolved. The child no longer exhibited tantrums related to his mother’s clothing choices. She was free to wear any color she liked without any objection from him.


This case highlights the transformative potential of homeopathy in addressing both behavioral and emotional imbalances in children with ASD and OCD. Lac Maternum played a pivotal role in addressing the deep-seated themes of disconnection and attachment, leading to significant improvement in both the child’s and mother’s quality of life.

If you have a child experiencing similar challenges or are curious about how homeopathy might help, feel free to reach out for personalized guidance.




Case of Cesium in ASD