Case of Cesium in ASD

In my practice, I often screen for heavy metals in children, especially when they present with unexplained symptoms. Alarmingly, many of these children show elevated levels of uncommon toxicants such as uranium, thallium, and cesium. Among these, cesium—a radioactive element—can be particularly concerning. Exposure often occurs through contaminated food, water, or air, with food being a common source if grown in polluted soil.

Case Study: A 7-Year-Old Male with ASD (Nonverbal)

One of the most striking cases I encountered was that of a 7-year-old boy with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). During our initial intake, I noticed his pale complexion and extreme lethargy. He spent most of the session lying on the floor, zoned out in front of the TV. When I asked his mother about his personality, she struggled to answer, explaining that he showed no clear preferences or dislikes. His eye contact was minimal to nonexistent, and he appeared to lack energy entirely.

The mother also reported that he had a weak immune system, frequently falling ill. Another provider had previously conducted a Hair Heavy Metal and Mineral test, and she shared the results with me. The most alarming finding was his cesium level, which was in the 95th percentile. I was astounded—how could this child have such high levels of cesium? I decided to address this toxicant first.

Treatment Plan
I prescribed Cesium sulphuricum 30C to target his elevated cesium levels.

The results were remarkable. The child’s complexion improved noticeably, and his lethargy lifted. Interestingly, he became hyperactive—a significant change that I managed with an additional remedy. While hyperactivity can pose its own challenges, it was a much healthier state compared to his prior fatigue.

His mother also reported significant improvements in his immune system. He stopped catching viruses as easily and became more resilient overall. Most excitingly, his personality began to emerge. She described him as playful and silly, enjoying jokes and showing a newfound spark. His eye contact improved markedly, and he even began babbling—a promising sign of emerging speech development.

This case highlights the importance of considering environmental toxicants like cesium in children with complex medical conditions. By addressing these underlying issues, we can often unlock their potential for significant physical and developmental improvements.


Case of Lac Maternum- ASD and OCD


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