Often with chronic disease, the organ systems in our bodies will be impacted and congested. To further support the body and its organs toward complete recovery we can use Gemmotherapy as a tool for further support.
Gemmotherapy, or as it is fondly called plant stem cells, are concentrated and diluted preparation of the buds, young shoots, and young rootlets of plants. These embryonic tissue extracts contain the adult plant's entire blueprint and benefits, while also holding the benefits of the embryonic structure not found in the adult plant. For example, the young shoots of trees contain plant constituents like plant hormones such as auxins and gibberellins not found in the adult plant. For the plant, it helps the buds grow into the adult tissue, but studies show that these embryonic plant hormones have benefits for humans. For example, Auxin provides better resistance to disease, modulates inflammation, and has been shown to have cancer prevention properties. Other components found in gemmos have been shown to have heavy metal chelating actions and detoxification of environmental toxins, such as Grapevine removing lead and White willow removing all heavy metals with particular affinity to mercury.
Gemmos are diluted and absorbed sublingually allowing for immediate cellular availability and are gentle yet powerful due to their dilutions. This makes it a great tool for treating complex pediatric cases. Parents of children with chronic diseases will often say that their child is very sensitive to medication and sometimes even supplements. This is usually a sign of a weakened vital force and impacted detox pathways. Gemmos can not only support and open up the drainage system of the body but can also strengthen the body over time to be more resilient.
Gemmotherapy can be an effective tool to enhance health and deeply create healing.