Revolutionizing Health with Modern Homeopathy & Naturopathic Medicine
Dr. Kasia Hanaj
Naturopathic Doctor & Homeopath
Specializing in Neurodevelopmental Conditions, including Autism, PANS/PANDAS, ADD, and ADHD.
Dr. Hanaj has completed both a medical residency and a homeopathic residency, each focused on the treatment of complex pediatric cases. With extensive experience in treating chronic conditions that have not responded to conventional medicine, Dr. Hanaj integrates modern homeopathy with naturopathic medicine to achieve transformative results.
Dedicated to providing compassionate, individualized care, Dr. Hanaj believes that true healing is possible—restoring health, balance, and quality of life for children and adults alike.
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“Hope is believing in spite of the evidence, and then watching the evidence change”
— Jim Wallis
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