Cold and Flu Season: How Can Homeopathy Help?
As the seasons change and kids head back to school, illnesses often start making the rounds. To stay ahead of the curve, having a stock of homeopathic remedies on hand can be incredibly helpful. Being prepared ensures you’re ready to support your child’s health naturally when they need it most.
Homeopathy is based on the principles of “like cures like” using ultra high dilutions of natural substances. Homeopathic remedies are created by diluting a substance to the point where no physical substance is left in the remedy and only the energetic signature remains. This energetic signature mirrors a cluster of symptoms that people can experience which is based on the principles of “like cures like”. This principle, also known as similimum, suggests that which causes symptoms at a crude dose will help resolve those same symptoms in a homeopathic preparation. This type of homeopathic prescribing is called constitutional homeopathy, where an in-depth interview is completed with a homeopath to determine the best fitting remedy that covers a person’s experience on the physical, mental, and emotional level. Constitutional remedies will stimulate a body’s vital force making the individual more resilient to stress and sickness. Many individuals when taking their constitutional remedy will feel more joyful, peaceful, and unbothered by usual stressors.
In acute illness, we can use these same homeopathic prescribing techniques to zero in on symptoms that the person is experiencing. There is more emphasis on the symptoms caused by the acute illness and less consideration is placed on the chronic symptoms. This type of acute remedy prescribing can create a speedy recovery from an illness. If the correct remedy is chosen, symptoms can start improving within the hour of taking the remedy.
Below are some common cold and flu remedies and the symptoms that they cover.
• Strep infection: Strep pyogenes - Can help prevent contracting Strep throat during exposure
• Flu: Oscillococcinum- treats flu like symptoms and can be used prophylactically incase of flu exposure
• Stomach flu: Arsenicum album- severe vomiting and diarrhea with burning in stomach
• Aconite- for sudden high fever especially when symptoms appear abruptly
• Ferrum phos - gradual initial onset of fever - 1st remedy to try during fever
• Belladonna - fever with red face and ears, high fever 2nd remedy to try during fever
• Tuberculinum- At onset of cough/virus, this will help immune system over come illness quickly and prevent illness from moving into the lungs
• Causticum- Deep, hoarse cough with thick mucus that worsens at night and from the cold, better with warm drinks
• Bryonia - Main symptom is a cough that is dry and so painful the child will hug their chest during coughing episode. Symptoms are worse with movement and child will be irritable. Usually a high fever occurs in conjunction with symptoms.
• Antimonium Tartaricum- Rattling cough with high amount of congestion but cough does not expel mucus.
Ear infection:
• Chamomila- Severe Ear pain with sensitivity to touch and noise. Child is usually quite irritable. The affected ear will be hot to touch
• Belladonna - Sudden onset of ear infection with severe pain, redness and heat in ear, commonly accompanied by fever
• Pulsatilla - Ear infection that produces thick yellow or green discharges. Pain is usually intermittent and can shift from one ear to the other. The chid will be weepy/clingy.
Sore throat
• Belladonna- Bright red throat with swelling and sudden onset of symptoms. Typically pain is quite intense. High fever is commonly present
• Hepar Sulph- Sore throat that is described as sharp- splinter like pain with a hoarse voice and high amount of mucus
• Aconite- Sudden intense sore throat that is described as burning with dryness. Typically accompanied with fever.
• Argentum metallicum- Raw irritated throat with the need to constantly clear throat. Usually associated with hoarse or strained voice.
Homeopathy can serve as a support in a wide range of scenarios and help your family traverse the cold months.
This information is meant to be used for educational purpose only and not taken as medical advice. Always consult a professionally trained homeopath or medical care provider for the treatment of any illness.